Revenue Model & Growth Projections
Junto is different
To understand our revenue model, it is first important to understand how Junto is different — not only from other social media platforms, but from the typical transactional and extractive business models that we believe are unhealthy and unsustainable. Our mission is to build a healthier, human-centered social media experience, together.
We design for better mental health, authenticity, and critical thinking
Our code is open source and your data belongs to you
Junto Foundation will never sell advertising space in the app
As a nonprofit, Junto can never be sold or acquired
Junto is a nonprofit stewarded by a diverse set of individuals around the world. This is a grassroots project whose interests are directly aligned with the well being of its community.
Open, accessible, & equitable Junto will be available to anyone, regardless of financial means. We're not going to facilitate targeted ads, require paid subscriptions, or put premium features behind a paywall. Choosing to support us is completely optional.
Partnership & collaboration We believe Junto will thrive when it is created in partnership with those who use it. We'll work together to create a social media experience that serves us, not the other way around.
Transparency & trust
We believe people will support Junto because they understand its value in the world and in their lives. We trust the Junto community to support our work through monthly donations and will provide visibility into our spending, roadmap, and operational activities.
Monthly Donations
Projected Growth
User Growth Rate Q3 2021
User Growth Rate Q4 2021
User Growth Rate 2022
7,500 users by 9/1/2021
14,900 users by 1/1/2022
115,550 users by 1/1/2023
We expect the percent of users who choose to contribute will slowly decrease as we grow, based on the assumption that our earliest members will be the most enthusiastic to support the project.
Conversion Rates
Supporters at $2/month
Sustainers at $5/month
Catalysts at $10/month
Investors at $25/month
Sponsors at $100+/month
We recognize that our revenue model depends on successfully appealing to our members to be monthly contributors. We intend to work with our initial community to help determine the most effective and least intrusive methods for making this appeal, as we develop this partnership-based approach to financial sustainability.
Additional Revenue Sources
While we are building towards financial sustainability around conservative estimates for both user growth and conversion rates, we see two additional sources of revenue that we are likely to pursue.
Junto Merch & Apparel Store
Our crowdfudning campaigns offered of perks that saw our backers getting Junto t-shirts, hoodies, bracelets, and more. We have also written and illustrated a coffee table book about Junto that we plan to print. While it hasn't made sense to prioritize thus far, we see the potential for additional revenue coming from a Junto store in the future.
Organizational Sponsors
While we do not intend to position ourselves to become dependent on a small number of large donors, we do see the potential to partner with mission-aligned organizations, brands, and high net-worth individuals who want to see Junto succeed. We have already begun making some of these connections and establishing the groundwork for future partnerships.
Last updated
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