Junto Update (11/4/2020)
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Hey everyone,
Hope you're all keeping well. Eric here with a few updates to kick off the start of November.
First, we're excited to announce a partnership with CUNY TechWorks, where we will be receiving 4 weeks worth of free UX design from one of their student cohorts to help them enhance their portfolios and job prospects. We're likely centering the scope of the project around improving Junto's UX around Groups and Packs so expect some improvements there shortly.
Next, Dr. Adrian, one of our Australian-based community members who has a PhD in Psychology, has generously volunteered his time to help us measure Junto's impact on mental health, culture, wellbeing, and other key indicators. More on this soon.
We've also decided to open source all facets of our organization. You read more about our values, roadmap, and financials here and take a look at our code on Github if you haven't already.
Finally, we've got mentions, channels, and SMS text invites working in the app now. Here's a quick video we put together that you can share as well.
1. This is a challenging, but important task we're tackling with Junto and we need all hands on deck to grow this. Consider taking the time to start inviting people in your circles in the app or via this link.
2. We need to raise at least another $30k by the end of the year. If you'd like to learn more about our bridge loan opportunities, drop me an email at eric@junto.foundation
That's it for now. Thanks for being a part of this and see you next time.